Monday, December 31, 2007

Make Easy Money Online

Do you think not possible to make money online? do you know that you can make easy money online now? How? Just with a blog. Don't believe? I will guide you how to make your first $6.00 and get a PR4 link back to your blog for free (100% no cost, real price is $15 per month)!:-o Is this too good to be truth? ;)

If you haven't join with Smorty yet, here is the win win situation for you. You just need to review my blog, you will get a link back from this blog for free. To review my blog, please click REVIEW THIS BLOG NOW, after approve by Smorty you will get $6.00 offer from them. Sounds good right? ;)

Before we continue, is that my PR4 blog link will help you? Absolutely yes. Here is my individual trial and error on my other blog with just a link from this blog and get page rank 2 with 8 posts in the blog. Please check my blogs

Wanna Make Easy Money Online now?

So here is the review rules:

1.Sign up to Smorty review my blog.

2.After finish sign up, you can now start to write a review about my blog.

4.Once the review is done, send me an email with the URL to your review, you may use my contact form too.

3.You paypal account will your first $6.00 upon your review get approved by Smorty (you must review smorty too). So you wanna make easy money online now?

**Take NOTE

Every review must link to this post and the blog home page using the anchor text “how to money online.” Here’s an example of what I want.

Blogging Secret is a blog that helps you make easy money online. He is offering to link to your blog if you review his blog.

You have freedom to say whatever you want in the review - pros or cons,good or bad. You are also free to link to any posts I’ve written as part of the review.

If you have join Smorty before, you still able to write a review for my blog and get a pr4 link back. :D